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Did You Miss It?

There is a crow hiding in this picture--somewhat hidden by its surroundings. Granted, crows are not the most exciting thing out there to find—but I do have a couple of suggestions of things you do not want to miss! SDB Conference Video Reports can be accessed by...

Are You Tired Yet?

Drowsy Driving. How do you stay awake and alert when driving long distances? Most likely it involves: 1) getting a good night’s sleep, and 2) having a conversation partner in the vehicle. I think that we are entering a season of drowsy driving as churches, and these...

Your Chance for Feedback on Virtual Conference Week 2020!

Thanks to all the participants and volunteers who made Virtual Conference Week 2020 a success! We are hoping that the events were able to be provided helped you to Fix Your Eyes on Jesus.  We are also hoping that you might have a few minutes to help us make our...

Women’s Society Annual Love Gift Collection

Thank you very much for the 4 Society members who came together to prayerfully decide how to share the love this year! We will share the $$ received equally among each of these fine causes, so our goal is to raise at least $3000. Now it's your turn to prayerfully...

URGENT Reminder: Conference Offering

We hope that you have enjoyed and benefitted from our Virtual Conference Week. The Directors and a team of amazing volunteers helped to make this week happen for you. Please visit the Virtual Conference Week 2020 page and you can get a recap of each day's events and...

Watching Like a Caterpillar

I really do not find caterpillars all that interesting. It appears as though they eat too much and then simply pass the time until they get to be a beautiful butterfly. If I was a caterpillar, I am confident that I would be living my life in the future, and just...