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Latest News & Upcoming Events

Johnson Graduates from CPE

Chaplain Major Jerry Johnson graduated from Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) training on June 12, 2015 at Ft. Belvoir, VA. CPE is education used to help provide pastoral care to people of many different backgrounds in settings such as hospice, nursing homes, and...

General Council Meets With CLT in Ashaway

General Council recently met May 29-31, 2015 at the Seventh Day Baptist church in Ashaway, RI. Members of the Coordinating Leadership Team (CLT) joined the meeting on Friday.  Each member of CLT shared the status of their current programs and budgets as well as their...

Pre-Con Registration Is Online!

Looking for the Pre-Con Registration? This is the page you are looking for! This year's pre-con will be at:  Camp Jersey Oaks, Shiloh, NJ. 

Crandall Appointed as Interim Lead Pastor

On May 9th, at the end of each worship service, Pastor George Calhoun announced that as of May 30, 2015 he would be stepping down as Senior Pastor of the Milton SDB Church after 24+ years of service. He will be teaching at Judson University and pastoring a church in...

Historical Society Votes to Merge with General Conference

At the annual meeting of the Seventh Day Baptist Historical Society on May 17th, 2015, at the Seventh Day Baptist Center in Janesville, WI, the Society voted to affect a corporate merger between itself and the Seventh Day Baptist General Conference of USA &...

SDB World Federation May 2015 Update

When the next SDB World Federation Sessions are held January 22-28, 2017, it will be the second time the Brazilian SDB Conference will serve as hosts. The first such opportunity was in February 2003. That was the first and only time in the then 30-plus year history of...