
Featured News

Register for Conference 2023

Conference 2023 Registration is now open!

Don’t wait to register!


My son Sam noticed this fawn while on a walk in Stow Creek, New Jersey, and captured the moment with this picture. I asked him what drew his attention to the fawn since I am confident that I would have walked right past while being been preoccupied with other thoughts...


Picture yourself hiking through the mountains and coming across a pristine mountain stream. You are parched after journeying for miles in the summer heat, and immediately drop down to your knees to enjoy a sip of water from the flowing creek. Just before you get your...

Women’s Society Recognitions

Since General Conference meetings will not be held in person this year, the Women’s Society Board of Directors decided not to award the Robe of Achievement or WISE this year. Any nominations that came in for 2020 will be held and considered for 2021 Recognitions. The...